
The Protection of Biodiversity is a Priority

Protecting and Promoting Biodiversity

As a leading organization in water management, we are convinced of the importance of conserving natural resources. As a result, we take especial care of the natural ecosystems in the area of our facilities through action plans for the integration and recovery of biodiversity.

Strategy for Biodiversity
  • Restauration of key ecosystems in the water cycle
  • Education and awareness
  • Prevention and control of threats and impacts
  • Promotion of ecosystem services in urban areas
  • Infrastructure naturalization


We collaborate with the Association of Southeast Naturalists (ANSE) for the "Promotion of Biodiversity" in the management of Aguas de Murcia. In this way synergies and important objectives  can be achieved that have a very positive impact on the conservation of biological diversity and on Goal 15 of the United Nations: "Promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification, stop and reverse land degradation, and slow the loss of biological diversity".

    • Maintenance and expansion of the Bosque de Ribera in the ETAP Contraparada. Replacement of the invading reedbed with an indigenous riparian forest.
    • Biological monitoring in drinkers and tanks. Recovery of fauna by adapting abandoned infrastructure.
    • Conservation and increase of pollinators in the facilities
    • Development of the Stop Invasoras project.
    • Development of the corporate environmental volunteer project Biobserva. Observation of birds, identification and census of the same at least twice a year.


    • Environmental Education and Environmental and corporate Volunteer Service. Planting projects carried out by different groups.
    • Coordination and Dissemination of Information. Communication of  the results of different projects in forums, media, social networks, etc.
    • Expansion and maintenance of the Ribera Forests to offset CO2 emissions. 
    • Continuation with the corporate environmental volunteer project Biobserva.
    • Continuation with Biobserva Stop Invasoras Project.
    • Beginning of the Protocol for incidents with wildlife.
    • Protection of overhead power lines against bird accidents.
    • Naturalization of facilities. Carrying out different activities within the field of Sustainable Gardening such as the planting of species as food for pollinators, the protection of fauna through respect for the periods of reproduction and breeding, etc.
    • Continuation of Environmental Education and Volunteer Service Projects.
    • Obtaining the Ecological Footprint at the Murcia Este WWTP facility.
    • Carrying out of volunteer Biodiversity audits.
    • Dissemination of actions carried out.