Complete Tariffs

 General Tariffs

The Municipality of Murcia is characterized by some limited water resources. Consequently, billing is based on a range of consumption using progressive tarrifs according to the amount of water used. In this way a  rational consumption of water is encouraged.

  • Water, sewage and conservation of the meter

    The income derived from tariffs must cover the periodic costs of service management of as well as investment costs of infrastructure that the municipality requires.

    The tariff structure of water and sewage consists of two different parts:

    The variable part of the tariff is billed based on the range of consumption and at the price of the water, whereas the sewage service tariff is fixed and equally takes into account the square meters consumed.

    The fixed part of the tariff, called the service fee, is charged for the immediate availability of and permanent access to the service. It applies to the water as well as the sewage service.

    To consult the applicable tariffs, click here

     To access the complete legislation:

  • Water Treatment Levy

    A regional tax levied by the ESAMUR, Entidad Regional de Saneamiento y Depuración de Aguas Residuales (The Public Entity of Wastewater Treatment of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia).

    The water treatment levy applies to all potable water supply contracts in force, which are connected to a public sewage system by virtue of the Law 3/2002 passed on 20 May and its numeric values modified subsequently by the Law 1/2017 passed on 9 January of General Budgets of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia (CARM) for 2017.

  • Waste Collection Tax

    The tax for the provision of household waste collection is included in the water bill for the City Hall of Murcia. It applies to all contracts in force for potable water and is earmarked for the treatment, recycling and recovery of municipal waste as well as its transfer to waste facilities and recycling plants.

    The tax ordinance regulating the garbage collection fee is published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (B.O.R.M.) and in the Municipal Tax Agency (Regulations/Fiscal Ordinances):

Average monthly consumption reference data

The price of water is determined based on various progressive price tiers to encourage responsible consumption and the corresponding service fee.

Monthly usage *Total water on bill Average price consumption 1 m³ Average price for consuming 1 liter
7 m³ 13,89 € 0,9986 € 0,0010 €
15 m³ 24,74 € 1,1897 € 0,0012 €
30 m³ 47,28 € 1,3461 € 0,0013 €

*Includes fixed fee and variable consumption fee.

Social Tariffs

We accomodate the needs and situations of the most vulnerable groups. To do so we offer social tariffs.

  •  Social Tariff 

    This tariff provides coverage for accredited vulnerable families as it guarantees the provision of service of potable water and sewage. A tariff of five euros a month is set not including the corresponding taxes. This covers a minimum household supply based on the number of persons in the family unit to a maximum of 110 litres per person and per day.

    Here you can consult the specific conditions of the social tariff. 

    Complete and submit the application by appointment or at Client area, which must be approved by Aguas de Murcia.

During the year 2023, we have granted a total of €1.255.921,92 in discounts to our customers through social tariffs, such as the Pensioner Tariff, Social Tariff, Social Dining Halls, Other Social Tariffs and Homes with more than 4 members. In addition to these discounts, there are other discounts applied by other administrations in other aspects of the bill, such as the Zero Fee for the Garbage Tax.

Other Special Rates